Membership for one Junior (under 18) to 6 Golfe Society for one membership year: 1st January 2022 – 31st December 2022
The annual membership fees will go towards the running costs of the society, and help to subsidise some of the golf days. The membership period will run from 1st January to December 31st of each year. Membership must be manually renewed at the end of each society year.
- Low Annual Membership Fee
- Discounts on non-members green fees, and additional discounts for guests
- Weekly Competitions at great courses at a portion of the rack rate fees.
- Prizes for individual winners & runners-up, nearest the pin and nearest the pin in two
- Friendly Atmosphere
- Discounts are available at various local businesses and restaurants.
You can see full benefits of becoming a 6 Golfe Algarve Member here.